Shenzhen ABNM Technoleg Corperation Cyfyngedig, gyda ei brif swyddfa yn Shenzhen a swyddfeydd gwerthu mewn Hong Kong a Yiwu, yn arbenigo mewn ymchwil a Dylunio, gweithgynhyrchu a gwerthiant o ABNM MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner / Gogoniant cyfres o gynhyrchion: EAS (ELECTRONIG ERTHYGL GWYLIADWRIAETH) RF (amledd radio) Gwrth-ladrad Systemau (8.2 MHZ amledd radio) (ABNM HubbleScan), EAS (ELECTRONIG ERTHYGL GWYLIADWRIAETH) AC (acwstig magnetig) Gwrth-ladrad Systemau (58KHZ) (ABNM HubbleScan), EAS (ELECTRONIG ERTHYGL GWYLIADWRIAETH) EM (Electromagnetig) a Systemau RFID (ABNM HubbleScan), EAS (ELECTRONIG ERTHYGL GWYLIADWRIAETH) gwrth-ladrad antenâu, tagiau, labeli, detachers, deactivators a prif fyrddau (ABNM HubbleScan), bwa Walkthrough Synwyryddion Metel (ABNM MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner), Llaw Synwyryddion Metel (ABNM MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner), Bwyd Synwyryddion Metel (ABNM MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner), Aur Synwyryddion (ABNM MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner), X-ray Bagiau & Parsel Systemau Sgrinio (ABNM MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner), X-ray Personél Systemau Sgrinio (Corff Sganwyr) (ABNM MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner), X-ray Cargo A Cherbydau Arolygu Systemau (ABNM MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner), o Dan Cerbyd Diogelwch Systemau Arolygu (ABNM MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner), Hylif A Ffrwydron A Narcotics Synwyryddion (ABNM MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner), Camerâu IP a teledu cylch cyfyng Analog Camerâu (ABNM HubbleScan), Achosion Ffôn Symudol (ABNM Glory), Drysau A Gatiau (ABNM Glory), Drysau Arfog, Diogelwch Drysau (ABNM Glory), Ystafell Tu mewn Drysau (ABNM Glory), Tân-prawf Drysau (ABNM Glory), Sbin Magic Mops (ABNM Glory), ac ati. Mae ein cynnyrch yn gwerthu yn dda mewn tir mawr Tsieina, De-ddwyrain Asia, India, Pakistan, y Dwyrain Canol, Rwsia, Brasil, De Affrica, yr Aifft, y DU, Ffrainc, yr Almaen, Sbaen, yr Eidal, gwlad Groeg, gwlad Pwyl, Twrci, Brasil, yr Ariannin, yr unol daleithiau, Canada, Mecsico, ac yn y blaen. O ran "ansawdd, gwasanaeth, brandio a cwsmeriaid yn gyntaf" fel ABNM busnes egwyddor, ABNM (MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner / Goniant) fydd yn ymdrechu i wneud ein gorau i ddiwallu anghenion cwsmeriaid'. Croeso i gydweithio gyda ni.
ABNM MicroScan / HubbleScan / SmartScanner / Glory
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..
Shenzhen ABNM Tech Co., Ltd is specialized in R&D, production and sales of doors & gates, EAS anti-s..